List of Productions
A Solo performance
A process to resolving error with the differentiation in Positive and negative emotions collecting human nervous system. Journey of the past 2 years in the pandemic lockdown at home. At that time whole world locked himself at home to make safe self. During this period everything’s algorithm goes very dramatically. This presentation will be presented in the form of contemporary dance drama with the organic movement in poetic way.
After Death The Spiritual Journey
“After death is a contemporary dance theatre Production .This performance is based on Indian Bhil tribe’s traditional rituals, faith in spiritual powers and folk stories inspired by their ancestral rituals. After travelling to Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, I have dealt with a concept based on these rituals, developed into a folk story inspired by the Bhil tribe rituals related to death. In my story one Bhil man meets with an accident, after which his mother, wife and friends pay their homage to Dungerdeo and perform rituals to save his life. But, after his death, his wife was engaged with another man. Due to this the soul of the first husband got disturbed which led to disturbance in villager’s life too. For his peaceful journey rituals of gatla (ancestor stele) erection were performed which is a traditional practice prevalent among the Bhil tribe of India”. After Death- Concept Brief : The ancestral beliefs of Bhil tribe and its varying visual culture. As a universal phenomenon, the beliefs related with ancestors and fulfilment of their wishes after death forms an integral part of ancestral beliefs. The realisation of the wishes of the dead ancestors form core of a rich repository of intangible heritage which is realised in tangible structure by tribes throughout the geographical domains of the world. The documentation of the beliefs associated with ancestors and the approach adopted by the Bhil tribe in Madhya Pradesh, for its realisation in tangible aspects, forms focus here. An analysis of visual culture of ancestral steles of Bhil tribe in India forms core of the rediscovery and renewal of our rich tangible heritage. The journey of the departed soul is believed to travel in unknown domains. To ensure their peaceful journey and to garner their blessings for succeeding generations, they are acknowledged through steles along with dedicated rituals. These ritual practices have woven a rich fabric of intangible practices, furthermore representing it in its tangible presence, spanning across generations.
"The Red Circle"
The Red Circle duet based on the theory of Buddhism refers to a belief in the pre-writen destiny that brings together particular individuals at specific points in their lives, despite their efforts to walk away from each other. A man from the East and a woman from the West meet unknowingly without any reason and they don't know what's happening next. Both of their destiny brings in each moment new things to connect them. Finally their destiny takes them to the pre-written destination where The Red Circle happens.
The metaphor of the performance is an interactive session between the artist and the audience. This session articulates the physical conversation in a ritualistic way with the transformation of the energy under the time and space. This is an Exploration of the changes in energy flow with human emotions and physical actions.
The Dead Man in the House
The Dead Man in the House" collection of time, space and human emotion with an exploration of transformations of energy flow from one body to another body and an exploration and collection of the specific time emotions that emotion comes from the inside time by time when they facing fears, love, hate, Distraction, bitterness etc.
During the performance, the audience will come to close the performer and canvas with the material like colors, rice, hair, flowers etc and they can put that material on the canvas after they will touch performer body any part and performer body giving the reaction as movements.
life in Darkness
The life in darkness presenting a dark part of human life. When a human being is born from this womb of his mother in this materialistic world. Opens his eyes and gets conditioned by other people to live like them.
Due to conditioning, their life gradually leads to darkness. This darkness comes in every person's life differently and happens in different ways. Whether there are children or grown, rich or poor, darkness comes in every life. Some people understand this darkness and try to avoid it, but they cannot survive this darkness and one day in this darkness they lost themselves. The metaphor of the performance try presenting in a contemporary poetic way.
My Death from Honesty or Politics
The question comes from the inside after seeing current social and political atmosphere of acountry, people have an identical crisis. They are trapping themselves in a large room without angle.They don't know any more where to go, where to hide, what's good and what's wrong. Who is there who they can trust. What does this do to us? How do we handle this? Are we still searching or we take an easy route. There is the doubt.Maybe we ask for help from others. But they can be trusted or doubt is increasing. Are we going along or are we looking for the solution close to ourselves
“meng emosies”
“meng emosies” is a contemporary solo performance. It is a Implosive, improvised and laboratory work based on Gender, Social and Political mixed emotions that people do not express but keep inside. This performance is a ritualistic performance that will make an attempt to create ritual where audience will participate and the performance will change as emotions from the audience.
In the beginning of the performance will invite audience to writing their emotions related to Gender, Social, and Political issues on the black board. After writing emotion audience will go to performer and they touch performer body one by one and audience will settle on their seats then performer start performance.
Total Holy Cow
“This performance creates an atmosphere that emphasizes
the importance of nature. In this materialistic world, humans
have forgotten the value of cows. Plastic has replaced the Cow.
All the cows have been removed from the roads and it seems
that plastic has taken their sacred place.”
Cosmic Matrix
Remember who are we: Cosmos frequencies. We live in a world of multiple waves. Touch the organic material, Weaving light waves like cellular veins. Reveal Nature in being where the dancer acts as a link between Heaven and Earth. Cosmic Matrix is a reminder to the organic and cosmic world that defines us.
Matrix Cosmic first takes root through Land Art inspiration with the creation and construction of the work. A web of waves and cells that takes shape in a sort of vibrational weaving.The choice of materials varies depending on the country, region and location (mosses, branches, bamboo, etc.). The completed Land Art work refers to the vision of a wave movement, a wave sentence. This is where dance and performance come in, where the Land Art expiration takes shape.
The dancer/performer steeped in the process of the land art work, in turn weaves his cosmic dance at the very heart of the work. He brought it to life by revealing the initial vibration. The fusion between land art and dance is then complete. Everything is vibration in the matrix of our terrestrial world, the tiny organism of the great cosmic and infinite breath.
Blessing from the Bull
Blessings from The Bull performance representing encounters with the Buii Spirit as a blessing . The boy saw a dead bull a few years back and prayed for his soul. The Bull Spirit returned after many years to bless this boy.